mangomondo films conceives and creates films of various kinds.
The 30 to 60 minutes long documentaries by journalist / director Carolin Reiter take the viewer around the world, to metropoles or remote forests, to distant cultures. These films feature people with exciting jobs or hobbies, fascinating traditions and their very own dreams.
Allie (16) lives in Slab City, California with her five siblings and dreams of being famous. Slab City is a huge wild campground with no water or electricity. People rest and live here for a variety of reasons: they are fleeing winter, loneliness, they are hippies, criminals or homeless, like Allie's family, who lost everything and now lives in a mobile home.
Slab City - Wild life in the desert
(360° geo reportage, arte network)
development / storytelling
treatment and directing
video journalism / HD/4K
location scouting
local production services for foreign productions
voice recording
social media content & campaigns
communications consulting
digital signage concept and implementation
Please request a quote for your project.
Bangladesh, Indonesia, USA, Nicaragua,
Central Asia
Journalist and filmmaker Carolin Reiter has traveled to 44 countries and reported from many of them for television stations, NGOs and print media.
And the journey has only just started.